Record Details:
Carbonea phaeostoma (Nyl.) Hertel, Lecideaceae exsiccatae, Fascicle VI (nos 101-120) (München) 6: no. 103 (1984) Basionym: Lecidea phaeostoma Nyl., in Crombie 1875 Citations in published lists or literature: Index of Fungi 5: 524 Position in classification: Lecanoraceae, Lecanorales, Lecanoromycetidae, Lecanoromycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi Synonymy (See Note): Species Fungorum synonymy
Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 114447; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {8C29C025-A465-4DF4-B30E-2AC3EC464749}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
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