Record Details:
Didymium martinii (T.N. Lakh.) H. Neubert, Nowotny & K. Baumann, Die Myxomyceten, Deutschlands und des Angrenzenden Alpenraumes Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Österreichs. 3. Stemonitales (Gomaringen) 2: 139 (1995) Editorial comment: The generic name in this combination is not considered to apply to an organism within the fungal clade Basionym: Lepidodermopsis martinii T.N. Lakh. 1978 Position in classification: Didymiidae, Stemonitida, Myxogastria, Myxogastrea, Mycetozoa, Amoebozoa, Protozoa Synonymy (See Note): Species Fungorum synonymy
Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 247636; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {C4B2D617-6637-45B9-866F-4F03BB4200A3}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
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