Index Fungorum - Species FungorumIndex Fungorum
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Record Details:

Haplosporangium gracile Nicot, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 73: 90 (1957)

In sandy soil associated with Juniperus phoenicea: France

Citations in published lists or literature:
Index of Fungi 2: 383 Page Image in Published List

Position in classification:
Mortierellaceae, Mortierellales, Incertae sedis, Mortierellomycetes, Mortierellomycotina, Mucoromycota, Fungi

Species Fungorum current name:
Linnemannia camargensis (W. Gams & R. Moreau) Vandepol & Bonito, in Vandepol, Liber, Desiró, Na, Kennedy, Barry, Grigoriev, Miller, O’Donnell, Stajich & Bonito 2020

GSD: Click here to get an explanation of GSD’s
Species Fungorum synonymy

Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 298162; click here to update this record

Index Fungorum UUID: {49095DAE-3C58-43F4-9CCA-E5C682664571}

Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report. Data contributors.

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