Index Fungorum - Species FungorumIndex Fungorum
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Record Details:

Lecidea luquetii B. de Lesd. [as 'luqueti'], Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 79: 687 (1932)

Citations in published lists or literature:
Zahlbruckner's Cat. Lich. Univ. 10: 313 | Lamb's Index nom. lich.: 364 Page Image in Published List

Position in classification:
Lecideaceae, Lecideales, Lecanoromycetidae, Lecanoromycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi

Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 411024; click here to update this record

Index Fungorum UUID: {54985A68-5DFC-4FDC-BCC7-0CF3422A12AE}

Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report. Data contributors.

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