Record Details:
Phaeosphaeria heterospora (De Not.) Boise, Mycologia 77(2): 236 (1985) Basionym: Sphaeria heterospora De Not. 1863 Citations in published lists or literature: Index of Fungi 5: 446 Position in classification: Phaeosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales, Pleosporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi Species Fungorum current name: Leptosphaeria heterospora (De Not.) Niessl, in Thümen 1879 GSD: Species Fungorum synonymy Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 105664; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {C7361FBA-6643-4723-9E9D-B03D0760283C}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
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