Index Fungorum - Species FungorumIndex Fungorum
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Record Details:

Passalora mucunae var. denticulata U. Braun & Mouch., in Braun, Mouchacca & McKenzie, N.Z. Jl Bot. 37(2): 305 (1999)

Typification Details:
Holotype PC, Huguenin NC64.319

On leaves of Mucuna urens: New Caledonia

Citations in published lists and Bibliographies:
Index of Fungi 7: 23 BSM

Position in classification:
Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Dothideomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi

Species Fungorum current name:
Passalora mucunae (Syd. & P. Syd.) U. Braun & Mouch., in Braun, Mouchacca & McKenzie 1999

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Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 459584; click here to update this record

Index Fungorum UUID: {7483F712-F48A-493A-B4C2-81C24C3CB05C}

Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report. Data contributors.

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