Record Details:
Umbelopsidales Spatafora, Stajich & Bonito, in Spatafora, Chang, Benny, Lazarus, Smith, Berbee, Bonito, Corradi, Grigoriev, Gryganskyi, James, O’Donnell, Roberson, Taylor, Uehling, Vilgalys & White, Mycologia 108(5): 1035 (2016) Typification Details: Umbelopsis Amos & H.L. Barnett 1966
Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 816302; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {D9E146C3-61E0-42F5-A2E1-20FE8E6C4FAF}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
additions or errors to report. Data contributors.
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