Index Fungorum |
Record Details:
Discomycetes Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 8: [3] (1889) Editorial comment: Saccardo attributed the name to Fries, Epicrisis: 1, 1836. Inspection of IMI's copy failed to show this to be the case. However, Fries does introduce the name in Summa veg. scand.: 343, 1849, as 'family' but this is being used at the same rank as Hymenomycetes etc. Saccardo's usage (l.c.: xiv) does not specify the rank. See also Saccardo, Consp. gen. Discomyc. (1884). Introduced by Cavalier-Smith, Biol. Rev. 73: 247, 1998 as 'Fries 1836 stat. nov.' at class rank Typification Details: Typification: not indicated
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Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
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