Index Fungorum |
Record Details:
Myriogenospora paspali G.F. Atk., Bull. Torrey bot. Club 21(5): 225 (1894) Typification Details: Holotype Duggar s.n. Host-Substratum/Locality: On leaves of Paspalum laeve: AlabamaCitations in published lists or literature: Saccardo's Syll. fung. XI: xxxiv; XIV: 685 Page Image for Protologue Position in classification: Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi GSD:  Species Fungorum synonymy Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 228705; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {156FD052-5FA7-4170-A504-66D53FF8E039}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
additions or errors to report. Data contributors.
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