Index Fungorum |
Record Details:
Metschnikowia bowlesiae Lachance, in Lachance & Fedor, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105(3): 548 (2013) Typification Details: Holotype CBS 12940 Host-Substratum/Locality: Isolated from Conotelus mexicanus in flower of Ipomoea indica: Hawaiian Is.Position in classification: Metschnikowiaceae, Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetidae, Saccharomycetes, Saccharomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi GSD:  Species Fungorum synonymy Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 805995; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {2979E01E-2C84-4FE7-A354-93320D9A06FF}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
additions or errors to report. Data contributors.
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