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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Ramalina melanothrix Laurer, in Nylander, Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 290, tab. VIII, fig. 26 (1860)

Homotypic synonyms:
Desmazieria melanothrix (Laurer) C.W. Dodge, [as 'Desmaziera'] Beih. Nova Hedwigia 38: 52 (1971)
Namibialina melanothrix (Laurer) R. Spjut & Sérus., in Spjut, Simon, Guissard, Magain & Sérusiaux, MycoKeys 73: 33 (2020)
Namibialina melanothrix (Laurer) Spjut & Sérus., in Spjut, Simon, Guissard, Magain & Sérusiaux, MycoKeys 74: 109 (2020)
Niebla melanothrix (Laurer) Kistenich, Timdal, Bendiksby & S. Ekman, Taxon 67(5): 893 (2018)
Ramalina capensis var. melanothrix (Laurer) Th. Fr., Flora, Regensburg 44: 411 (1861)
Trichoramalina melanothrix (Laurer) Rundel & Bowler, Bryologist 77(2): 194 (1974)

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