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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Gyrophora cylindrica var. fimbriata Ach., Methodus, Sectio prior (Stockholmiæ): 104 (1803)

Homotypic synonyms:
Gyrophora crinita var. fimbriata (Ach.) Chevall., Fl. gén. env. Paris (Paris) 1: 644 (1826)
Gyrophora cylindrica f. fimbriata (Ach.) Cromb., Monogr. Lich. Brit.(1): 328 (1894)
Lichen leiocarpus * fimbriata (Ach.) Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot., Suppl. (Paris) 3(2): 424 (1813)
Umbilicaria cylindrica f. fimbriata (Ach.) Zahlbr., Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 104: 328 (1941)
Umbilicaria cylindrica var. fimbriata (Ach.) Nyl., Lich. Scand. (Helsinki): 117 (1861)
Umbilicaria polymorpha f. fimbriata (Ach.) Schaer., Enum. critic. lich. europ. (Bern): 26 (1850)

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