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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Aspicilia desertorum var. aspera Mereschk., Trudy Obshch. Estestvoisp. Imp. Kazansk. Univ. 43: 37 (1911)

Homotypic synonyms:
Aspicilia aspera (Mereschk.) Tomin, in Kopaczevskaja et al., Handbook of the lichens of the USSR 1: 198 (1971)
Aspicilia aspera var. aspera (Mereschk.) Tomin, in Kopaczevskaja et al., Handbook of the lichens of the USSR 1: 198 (1971)
Chlorangium asperum (Mereschk.) S.Y. Kondr., Gromakova & Khodos., in Kondratyuk, Gromakova, Khodosovtsev, Kim, Kondratiuk & Hur, Acta bot. hung. 46(2): 90 (2015)
Circinaria aspera (Mereschk.) Sohrabi & Şenkard., in Sohrabi, Stenroos, Myllys, Søchting, Ahti & Hyvönen, Mycol. Progr. 12(2): 265 (2012)
Lecanora esculenta var. aspera (Mereschk.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 5: 305 (1928)
Sphaerothallia aspera (Mereschk.) Follmann & A. Crespo, An. Inst. bot. A.J. Cavanilles 31(1): 330 (1974)

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