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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Xanthoria lychnea f. antarctica Vain., Résult. Voy. Belgica, Lich.: 22 (1903)

Homotypic synonyms:
Physcia parietina f. antarctica (Vain.) Hue, Deux. Expéd. Antarct. Franç., 1908-10, Lichens: 44 (1915)
Polycauliona antarctica (Vain.) C.W. Dodge, Lich. Fl. Antarct. Cont. adjac. Isls (Canaan, N. Hamp.): 276 (1973)
Xanthoria antarctica (Vain.) C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker, Ann. Mo. bot. Gdn 25: 625 (1938)
Xanthoria candelaria f. antarctica (Vain.) Hillmann, Hedwigia 63: 202 (1922)
Xanthoria parietina f. antarctica (Vain.) Hue, Deux. Expéd. Antarct. Franç., 1908-10, Lichens: 44 (1915)

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