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Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP

Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray 1821, (also see Species Fungorum: Gymnopus); Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus (Quél.) Quél. ex Moug. & Ferry 1887, (also see Species Fungorum: Suillus); Suillaceae
Gymnopus sect. Androsacei (Kühner) Antonín & Noordel. 2008; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Brunneiniger J.J. Hu, B. Zhang & Y. Li 2024; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Efibulatus J.J. Hu, B. Zhang & Y. Li 2024; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Gymnopus (Pers.) Roussel 1806; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Impudici (Antonín & Noordel.) Antonín & Noordel. 2010; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Iocephalae (Singer ex Halling) Halling 1997; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Irresolutus J.J. Hu, B. Zhang & Y. Li 2024; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Levipedes (Quél.) Halling 1996; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Omphalinoides J.J. Hu, B. Zhang & Y. Li 2024; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Perforantia (Singer) R.H. Petersen 2016; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus sect. Vestipedes (Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. 1997; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Alkalivirentes Antonín & Noordel. 1997; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray 1821; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Impudici Antonín & Noordel. 1997; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Perforantia (Singer) R.H. Petersen 2016; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Perforantia (Singer) R.H. Petersen 2016; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Peronati (Kühner) J.L. Mata & R.H. Petersen 2006; Omphalotaceae
Gymnopus subsect. Pinophili R.H. Petersen 2016; Omphalotaceae

Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP