Index Fungorum - Species FungorumIndex Fungorum
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Record Details:

Luttrellia Khokhr. & Gornostaĭ [as 'Luttrellia'], in Gornostaĭ in Azbukina et al. (Eds), Vodorosli, Griby i Mkhi Dal'nego Vostoka [Algae, Fungi and Mosses of the Soviet Far-East] (Vladivostok): 80 (1978)

Nomenclatural comment:
Nom. rej., but see Arts 14.6, Ex. 5 and 14.7

Editorial comment:
Rejected against Luttrellia Shearer 1978. Assumed etymology is named for E.S. Luttrell

Typification Details:
Luttrellia turcica (Pass.) Khokhr. 1978

Position in classification:
Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales, Pleosporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi

Species Fungorum current name:
Exserohilum K.J. Leonard & Suggs 1974

Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 8796; click here to update this record

Index Fungorum UUID: {C704B081-05F2-4BF3-B414-EF0B9FFACBA2}

Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report. Data contributors.

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