Record Details:
Operculomyces Letcher, M.J. Powell & M. Claudia Viusent, Mycologia 100(2): 327 (2008) Nomenclatural comment: Nom. inval., Art. 38.1(a) (Shenzhen) Typification Details: Operculomyces corrientinensis Letcher, M.J. Powell & M. Claudia Viusent 2010
Position in classification: Plasmodiophoridae, Plasmodiophorida, Incertae sedis, Phytomyxea, Endomyxa, Cercozoa, Chromista Species Fungorum current name: Operculomyces M.J. Powell, Letcher & Longcore 2011 Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 92414; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {0308860B-1386-4A46-8347-A865BDA672C4}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
additions or errors to report. Data contributors.
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