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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Stictis lichenicola Mont. & Fr., in Montagne, Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2 5: 281 (1836)

Homotypic synonyms:
Diploschistes lichenicola (Mont. & Fr.) Vain., in Almquist, Kolemann. tutkim. Länsi-Siperiassa 4: 105 (1928)
Mellitiosporium lichenicola (Mont. & Fr.) Massee, [as 'Melittosporium'] Brit. Fung.-Fl. (London) 4: 88 (1895)
Urceolaria lichenicola (Mont. & Fr.) O.J. Rich., Catal. Lich. Deux-Sèvres: 32 (1877)
Urceolaria scruposa f. lichenicola (Mont. & Fr.) Arnold, Flora, Regensburg 53(30–31): 471 (1871)
Urceolaria scruposa var. lichenicola (Mont. & Fr.) H. Olivier, Expo. Syst. Descr. Lich. Ouest Fr. 1: 318 (1897)

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