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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lecidea melanophaea Fr., K. svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl., ser. 3: 259 (1822)

Homotypic synonyms:
Aspicilia melanophaea (Fr.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 159 (1855)
Aspicilia melanophaea f. melanophaea (Fr.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 159 (1855)
Aspicilia melanophaea var. melanophaea (Fr.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 159 (1855)
Lecidea ambigua var. melanophaea (Fr.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 125 (1858)
Lecidea dicksonii var. melanophaea (Fr.) Vain., Lichenogr. Fenn. 4: 184 (1934)
Lecidea geographica var. oxydata Flot., Flora, Regensburg 11(43): 682 (1828)
Lecidea lactea f. melanophaea (Fr.) Harm., Cat. Descript. Lich. Lorraine IV: 395 (1899)
Lecidea lactea var. melanophaea (Fr.) Nyl., in Nylander & Saelan, Herb. Mus. Fenn.: 90 (1859)
Lecidea variegata var. melanophaea (Fr.) Kremp., Denkschr. Kgl. Bayer. Bot. Ges., Abt. 2 4: 189 (1861)

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