Basionym Name:Umbilicaria brigantium Zschacke, Verh. bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenb. 69: 14 (1927)
Homotypic synonyms:Lasallia brigantium (Zschacke) Llano, Monograph of the Lichen Family Umbilicariaceae in the Western Hemisphere: 45 (1950)Lasallia brigantium subsp. brigantium (Zschacke) Llano, Monograph of the Lichen Family Umbilicariaceae in the Western Hemisphere: 45 (1950)Lasallia brigantium var. brigantium (Zschacke) Llano, Monograph of the Lichen Family Umbilicariaceae in the Western Hemisphere: 45 (1950)