Record Details:
Sphaerotheca sparsa U. Braun, Zentbl. Mikrobiol. 140: 163 (1985) Editorial comment: Based on Sphaerotheca humuli var. fuliginea sensu Salmon pro parte and Sphaerotheca fuliginea auct. pro parte Host-Substratum/Locality: On Asclepias: ArizonaCitations in published lists or literature: Index of Fungi 5: 558 Position in classification: Erysiphaceae, Helotiales, Leotiomycetidae, Leotiomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi Species Fungorum current name: Podosphaera sparsa (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takam. 2000 GSD:  Species Fungorum synonymy Index Fungorum Registration Identifier 103831; click here to update this record Index Fungorum UUID: {D3FA9EC6-60D6-43E7-AAED-FCCB3A8BA72B}
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
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